Making changes to my order

Charges for a change in shipping address

You will only incur charges for a change of shipping address if the new address falls within an area where shipping costs are higher. Any additional shipping costs will be reflected in the invoice(s) sent to you.

Eligibility for address/contact number change

You can modify the delivery details as long as:

  • Parcel is not from
      • Lazada
      • TikTok
      • Partnership - Mailer
  • The parcel has not yet left the warehouse for delivery to the customer (status if using the app: ‘On Vehicle for Delivery’)
  • The parcel is not being returned to the sender (RTS - Return to Sender)
  • The new delivery address must be in the same area or hub, except for Crossborder parcels, excluding TikTok Crossborder and SHEIN.

Important Note: Request to change delivery details (address/contact number) still depends on the shipper type and parcel status. Please feel free to contact the Ninja Van Customer Service team through any of the alternative channels provided below for assistance.

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