Whistleblowing Policy Procedure
Make a whistleblower report through this link:
Whistleblower must input NINJAVAN for company code to make a whistleblowing report.
Speeki is a secured and dedicated whistleblowing channel and management platform engaged by Ninja Van Group.
What is a whistleblower report?
Ninja Van Employees and parties outside Ninja Van, such as suppliers, shippers, contractors and other stakeholders, may use the reporting channel below to report any malpractice, impropriety, HSE and regulatory non-compliance or wrongdoing by Ninja Van staff, drivers and riders in the course of their work.
This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Forgery
- Dishonesty or fraud by Ninja Van staff, drivers and riders
- Theft of monies or Company property
- Abuse of authority
- Major HSE non-compliance
- Discrimination by Ninja Van staff
- Harassment or misconduct by Ninja Van staff, drivers and riders
- Corruption and bribery
- Non-compliance with laws and regulations
Whistleblowing channel is not intended for parcel recipients to raise complaints to Ninja Van about missing parcels, damaged parcels, delivery delays, privacy issues and other issues relating to Ninja Van’s delivery services. For such matters, please contact Ninja Van’s customer service or privacy officers.
Ninja Van Group’s Policy on whistleblowing
1. Purpose
Ninja Van is committed to conducting business that is consistent with corporate governance and in compliance with all laws and regulatory requirements. The Company does not tolerate any malpractice, impropriety, HSE and regulatory non-compliance or wrongdoing by Ninja Van staff, drivers and riders in the course of their work.
The Policy is intended to:
- Promote substantiated and timely reports of improper conduct and non-compliances to be made by whistleblowers to Ninja Van;
- Permits the Company to address such reports by taking appropriate action as the Company sees fit in the circumstances and in line with local laws;
- Protect whistleblowers who make a report in good faith from any unfair or improper treatment as a result of their whistleblowing report; and
- Where requested by whistleblowers, specify how identities of whistle-blowers are protected.
Whistleblowing channel is not intended for parcel recipients to raise complaints to Ninja Van about missing parcels, damaged parcels, delivery delays, privacy issues and other issues relating to Ninja Van’s delivery services. For such matters, please contact Ninja Van’s customer service or privacy officers.
2. Scope
Ninja Van Employees and parties outside Ninja Van, such as suppliers, shippers, contractors and other stakeholders, may use the reporting channel set out in this Policy to report any malpractice, impropriety, HSE and regulatory non-compliance or wrongdoing by Ninja Van staff, drivers and riders in the course of their work.
This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Forgery
- Dishonesty or fraud by Ninja Van staff, drivers and riders
- Theft of monies or Company property
- Abuse of authority
- Major HSE non-compliance
- Discrimination by Ninja Van staff
- Harassment or misconduct by Ninja Van staff, drivers and riders
- Corruption and bribery
- Non-compliance with laws and regulations
3. Reporting Channel
- The Company has a secured and dedicated whistleblowing channel and management platform – provided by Speeki – a digital reporting platform service provider. Whistleblowing reports to Ninja Van can be made through this web link: report.speeki.com (whistleblower should input NINJAVAN for company code).
- Voluntary Disclosure of Identity
You may make a whistleblower report without revealing your personal identity.
The Company encourages whistleblowers to include their names and contact details to their allegations whenever possible. This enables the Company to contact the whistleblowers for more information and to verify information.
Anonymous whistleblower reports may be more difficult for the Company to investigate or to act upon effectively as the information provided may be insufficient.
All whistleblowers’ reports, including the identity of whistleblowers, will be treated with confidence and every effort will be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained throughout any investigation and subsequent actions.
Whistleblower reports made anonymously will still be reviewed and investigated by the Company provided that the Company in its discretion determines that there are sufficient grounds and information.
- Making the whistleblowing report
Whistleblowing reports should be made promptly through the Company’s secured and dedicated whistleblowing channel and management platform via this link: report.speeki.com (input NINJAVAN for company code). The whistleblower should complete all mandatory fields required by the said platform. To enable the Company to investigate and take the appropriate action, the whistleblower should provide as much detail and be as specific as possible.
All whistleblowing reports will be sent to the Receiving Officer (who shall be the Group Head of HR, with the General Counsel as alternate), who will review and in his/her absolute discretion decide the necessary actions to be taken. If any whistleblowing reports relate to the Company’s Group Senior Management, the Company’s Group Chief Executive Officer will in his discretion decide the necessary action to be taken.
4. Safeguard
The Group prohibits discrimination, retaliation, or harassment of any kind against a whistleblower who submits a report in good faith. If a whistleblower believes that he or she is being subjected to discrimination, retaliation or harassment for having made a report under this Policy, he or she should immediately report those facts to Group Chief Executive Officer. Reporting should be done promptly to facilitate investigation and the taking of appropriate action.
5. Handling of whistleblowing reports
The Receiving Officer may handle and act on the whistleblowing report in his absolute discretion provided that at all times the requirements in this Policy are complied with. All information disclosed during the course of investigation will be kept confidential, except as necessary or appropriate to conduct the investigation and to take any remedial action, in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations.
The Company reserves the right to refer any whistleblowing reports to the appropriate authorities, including any law enforcement organisations.
If, at the conclusion of an investigation, the Company determines that a violation has occurred, or the allegations are substantiated, the Company may take all necessary actions, including disciplinary actions, as it deem fit. At no time shall the Company be obliged to reveal the actions taken as actions are commercially sensitive or involve personal data of individuals.
This Policy or Terms are in effect from 14 February 2022.