What does my parcel status mean?

We use clear status updates to keep you informed every step of the way!  Think of them as handy little messages that tell you exactly where your parcel is in its journey. Here's a breakdown of what each status means:

Pending handover to Ninja Van: Looks like your awesome seller is still getting your order ready. They can answer any questions you have about this stage.

Pending pick up: The shipper has dropped the parcel at our collection point and it is pending to be collected by our drivers.

Driver en-route to pick up: Get ready, your return parcel is about to be ninja-fied! Our driver is already on their way to pick it up.

Pick up successful: Awesome! Your package is officially in our hands and moving through our network of warehouses.

Pick up failed: Uh oh, it seems like we didn't receive your package from the seller yet. The seller can help you figure out what happened.

Arrived at sorting facility: Next stop - your neighborhood! Your package is at the warehouse closest to your delivery address, getting prepped for the final leg of its journey.

Out for delivery: Get ready! Our driver is on their way to deliver your package today.

Pending redelivery: Whoops, looks like we missed you! We'll proactively reach out to help you easily reschedule your delivery.

Delivery on hold: Your delivery is currently on hold. To understand the reason for the hold and get an estimated delivery timeframe, please contact our friendly customer service team here . They'll be happy to investigate further and advise you accordingly.

Transferred to logistics partner: For some deliveries, we team up with trusted partners to ensure your package arrives safely.

Arrived at collection point: Your package is waiting for you at a designated pick-up spot! Be sure to grab it within the timeframe to avoid it heading back to the seller.

Returned to sender: Unfortunately, we weren't able to deliver your package. The seller can assist you with next steps.

Delivery completed: Woohoo! Your package has reached its final destination - you!

Order cancelled: Your order has been cancelled. To understand the reason for the cancellation and discuss next steps, please contact our friendly customer service team here. They'll be happy to investigate and provide further information.

Held at customs facility: There might be a slight delay while customs takes a closer look at your package. We'll keep you posted.

Successfully cleared customs: Great news! Your package has made it through customs and is ready to be handed over to Ninja Van.

Cross border transit: Your package is on its way from another country! We'll take over delivery once it arrives here.

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