I have received the wrong parcel

If the product you have received does not match the description provided by the shipper (i.e., colour, size or quality, quantity), contact your shipper/seller directly. Kindly be reminded to prepare the following information before reaching out to your shipper/seller:

  1. Type of goods/products ordered.
  2. Screenshot/ picture of the product(s) you had ordered and expected to receive and the product name/quantity.
  3. Quantity of products and actual photos of the goods received upon delivery by Ninja Van.
  4. Photo(s) of the physical label attached to the parcel.
  5. Have the contents of the parcel been used or worn?
  6. Was the parcel packaged using bubble wrap? (YES/NO)*
  7. Were there ‘fragile’ stickers pasted onto the parcel? (YES/NO)*
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